Wisselvallige telefoonlyne / Intermittende Telephone lines Wednesday 6th October 2021 14:00:00

Ons ervaar wisselvallige uitgaande oproepe / We are experiencing intermitted outgoing calls

Ondersoek word tans ingestel / We are busy investigating the cause

Ons sien glad nie meer foute met die telefoonstelsel nie en merk dit as opgelos / We are not seeing any errors anymore and marking this as resolved

Probleem is moontlik opgelos, ons monitor die situasie / Problem is reported to be fixed, we are monitoring the situation

Opstroom verskaffer het laat weet hulle werk aan die probleem / Upstream supplier informed us they are working on the problem

Probleem is vasgestel by opstroom verskaffer, ons wag vir terugvoer / Problem is identified at upstream supplier, we are waiting for feedback

Ons ondersoek steeds wat die oorsaak is / We are still investigating the cause