YouTube / Google Tuesday 27th December 2022 19:20:00

Ons is bewus daarvan dat sommige Google dienste soos YouTube en Google Play sukkel. Die probleem is nie geïsoleer tot slegs die Datonet netwerk nie:

We are aware of problems with some Google services like YouTube and Google play. The problem is not isolated to the Datonet network:

2023-01-01 12:00

Dit lyk asof alles weer reg werk by YouTube / Google Play.

It seems like everything is working smoothly at YouTube / Google Play

2022-12-30 08:00

2022/12/29 18:00

Google tegnici is glo besig om die probleem te herstel, dit is net ongelooflik moeilik om informasie uit hulle uit te kry.

Google technicians is apparently working on the problem, it is just incredibly difficult to get information out of them.

2022/12/29 14:30

Ons is bewus dat YouTube & Google Play steeds sukkel, ongelukkig is die probleem by Google. Ons stel voor u rapporteer direk aan YouTube.

We are aware that YouTube & Google Play is still not working correctly, we suggest to report to YouTube directly:

  1. Sign in to YouTube.
  2. Select your profile picture. Click send feedback.
  3. Describe the issue you're experiencing. We suggest: "We are struggling with YouTube & Google Play in South Africa for the last +-3days"
  4. Click Send.

2022/12/28 11:50

Dit wil voorkom asof die probleem weer begin aan YouTube se kant.

It seems like the problem is starting again on YouTube.

2022-12-28 08:00

Dit wil voorkom asof hulle die probleem opgelos het by YouTube

It seems like the problem is now resolved at YouTube