SMTP probleme / SMTP problems Thursday 2nd March 2023 12:38:00

Ons is bewus dat uitgaande e-posse sukkel weens 'n probleem by MailChannels (Een van die groter e-pos hanterings maatskappye -

Talle maatskappye regoor die wêreld ervaar tans die probleem.

Ons sal julle op hoogte hou hier, ons vra verskoning vir die ongerief.

We are aware of outgoing email problems due to a problem at MailChannels (One of the larger email handling companies -

Numerous companies across the world will experience the problem

We will keep you updated here. Apologies for the inconvenience.

2023-03-02 12:50

MailChannels rapporteer dat hulle 'n probleem reggestel het en dat hulle die situasie sal monitor.

E-posse wat gestuur is behoort deur te gaan.

MailChannels reports that the problems are resolved and that they will monitor the situation.

Email sent should go through.