All systems are operational
UT Fibre opgradering


Past Incidents

Sunday 15th May 2022

No incidents reported

Saturday 14th May 2022

No incidents reported

Friday 13th May 2022

Email Hosting E-pos probleme / E-mail problems

Ons is bewus van 'n epos probleem en is besig om te ondersoek. Ons vra verskoning vir die ongerief.

We are aware of the email problems and are busy investigating. We apologize for the inconvenience.

  • Probleem is opgelos en alle epos rekeninge behoort weer mooi te werk. Eposse wat nie afgelewer was vandag nie sal wel afgelewer word.

    Indien u per abuis 'n wagwoord ingevul het op u epos program en dit wil nie werk nie, kontak ons by 012 947 0000 sodat ons die wagwoord kan "reset"

    Dankie vir u geduld!

    Problem is resolved and all email accounts should work correctly. Emails not delivered today will have a delay but should arrive shortly.

    In case you have mistakenly filled in a password on you email account, and your email is still not working, please contact us at 012 947 000

    Thank you for your patience!

  • Ons het ongelukkig nog geen nuwe informasie rakende die probleem nie

    We unfortunately don't have any new information relating to the problem

  • Probleem word steeds ondersoek, sodra ons opdaterings het sal ons dit hier plaas. Ons vra verskoning vir die ongerief.

    Problem is still being investigated, as soon as we have updates we will post it here. Apologies for the inconvenience.

  • SovĂȘr blyk dit dat alle uitgaande epos nog werk, en inkomende eposse sal nie verlore gaan nie

    So far it seems that all outgoing mail is working, and no incoming mail will be lost

  • Thursday 12th May 2022

    No incidents reported

    Wednesday 11th May 2022

    No incidents reported

    Tuesday 10th May 2022

    No incidents reported

    Monday 9th May 2022

    No incidents reported