All systems are operational
UT Fibre opgradering


Past Incidents

Sunday 10th October 2021

No incidents reported

Saturday 9th October 2021

No incidents reported

Friday 8th October 2021

No incidents reported

Thursday 7th October 2021

No incidents reported

Wednesday 6th October 2021

VoIP Wisselvallige telefoonlyne / Intermittende Telephone lines

Ons ervaar wisselvallige uitgaande oproepe / We are experiencing intermitted outgoing calls

Ondersoek word tans ingestel / We are busy investigating the cause

  • Ons sien glad nie meer foute met die telefoonstelsel nie en merk dit as opgelos / We are not seeing any errors anymore and marking this as resolved

  • Probleem is moontlik opgelos, ons monitor die situasie / Problem is reported to be fixed, we are monitoring the situation

  • Opstroom verskaffer het laat weet hulle werk aan die probleem / Upstream supplier informed us they are working on the problem

  • Probleem is vasgestel by opstroom verskaffer, ons wag vir terugvoer / Problem is identified at upstream supplier, we are waiting for feedback

  • Ons ondersoek steeds wat die oorsaak is / We are still investigating the cause

  • Tuesday 5th October 2021

    RP-Germansa RP-Germansa

    Ons is bewus van probleme op die herhaler en gee dringend aandag daaraan

    We are aware of problems on the repeater and are currently attending to it

  • Probleem is opgelos / Problem is resolved

  • Monday 4th October 2021

    No incidents reported