All systems are operational
UT Fibre opgradering


Past Incidents

Sunday 27th March 2022

No incidents reported

Saturday 26th March 2022

Internet Onderbreking by opstroom verskaffer / Outage at upstream provider

Ons ervaar tans 'n onderbreking by ons opstroom verskaffer, wat u konneksie sal beïnvloed.

Bystand data word tans in die die netwerk ingevoer en noodmaatreëls word uitgevoer om die internet werkbaar te maak.

Ons vra asseblief dat u so min as moontlik onnodige spoedtoetse / opdaterings doen in hierdie tydperk om onnodige las te verminder.

Vordering word gemaak met nog primêre lyne by 'n ander verskaffer en ons beraam dat die lyne teen 15 April in werking sal wees. Die hoogste prioriteit word hierop geplaas. Ons vra verskoning vir die ongerief en sal u op hoogte hou.

We are currently experiencing an outage at our upstream supplier, that will affect your internet connection.

Backup data is currently fed into the network and emergency procedures are put in place to get a workable internet connection. We ask that you please refrain from doing unnecessary speedtests / updates to prevent the network from being overloaded.

We are making progress in getting additional primary lines at another supplier, and we hope that these lines will be active at 15 April.

The highest priority is currently given to this problem We apologize for any inconvenience caused, and will keep you updated.

  • Sedert 18:40 is die lyne stabiel en die probleem merk ons as opgelos. Baie dankie vir u geduld!

    The lines are stable since 18:40 and we are marking this issue as resolved. We thank you for your patience!

  • Ons het sopas lyne weer oorgeswaai en is 100% operasioneel. Ons hou dop vir enige probleme

    We have just switched over the lines and we are 100% operational We monitor the network for any problems

  • Ons het ongelukkig nog geen nuwe informasie ontvang nie.

    We have unfortunately not received any new information yet.

  • Ons het teen 15:30 verneem dat die probleem geïdentifiseer is as 'n optiese vesel breek in The Willows area. Herstelwerk sou direk daarna volg en ons wag tans vir terugvoer

    We have been notified at 15:30 that the fault was identified as an optical fiber break in The Willows area. Repairs would have been commenced directly after that, and we are waiting for feedback

  • Terugvoer wat ons ontvang het is dat probleem is oorgedra na "core" netwerk personeel Ons vermoed 'n konfigurasie/"routing" probleem tussen Pretoria en Johannesburg "nodes" by die opstroom verskaffer.

    Feedback we received indicates that the problem was transferred to "core" network personnel. We suspect a configuration/routing problem between the Pretoria and Johannesburg nodes at the upstream provider.

  • Ons het ongelukkig nog geen terugvoer gekry in verband met die probleem nie ons ons loop steeds op ons bystand lyne. Ons vra verskoning vir die ongerief en wees verseker ons gee alle aandag aan die probleem

    We unfortunately have not received any feedback yet and are still running on backup lines. We apologize for the inconvenience and assure you we are giving this our full attention

  • Dit het onder ons aandag gekom dat die kennisgewing verkeerd geïnterpreteer kan word:

    Die internet sal nie tot 15 April sukkel nie.

    Ons primêre lyne soos nou sal herstel word so gou as moontlik, ons wag net vir terugvoer in verband hiermee. 15 April is wel wanneer ons addisionele lyne hopelik geaktiveer word sodat ons die situasie wat ons nou ervaar beter kan omseil en hopelik geen onderbreking ervaar soos nou nie.

    It was brought under our attention that the notice could be misinterpreted.

    The internet will not be giving problems until 15 April.

    Our current primary lines are being attended to and will be restored as soon as possible - we are waiting for feedback regarding this. 15 April is a date when additional primary lines will hopefully be activated so that we do not experience the situation we have now and prevent any performance issues as now.

  • Probleem is vasgestel dat die hoof fibre lyn tussen ons netwerk in Pretoria en Johannesburg van lyn af gegaan het Ons wag vir terugvoer in verband hiermee

    Problem was identified to be the main fibre line from our network in Pretoria to Johannesburg that went offline. We are waiting for feedback in regards to this

  • Friday 25th March 2022

    No incidents reported

    Thursday 24th March 2022

    No incidents reported

    Wednesday 23rd March 2022

    No incidents reported

    Tuesday 22nd March 2022

    No incidents reported

    Monday 21st March 2022

    No incidents reported