All systems are operational
UT Fibre opgradering


Past Incidents

Monday 4th April 2022

No incidents reported

Sunday 3rd April 2022

No incidents reported

Saturday 2nd April 2022

Ander Internet Dienste Bank webtuistes / Banking websites

Ons merk op dat konneksies na verskeie bank webtuistes sukkel vanoggend. Probleem wil voorkom aan die banke se kant.

We notice that connections towards a couple of banking websites are giving trouble. Problem seems to be on the bank's side.

  • Dit lyk of die probleem opgelos is nou

    It seems like the problem is resolved now

  • Friday 1st April 2022

    No incidents reported

    Thursday 31st March 2022

    Ander Internet Dienste FNB Online Banking onderbreking / outage

    Ons is in kennis gestel dat FNB Online Banking 'n probleem ervaar en dit nie uniek tot die Datonet netwerk is nie:

    We were informed about an issue at FNB Online Banking, it is not unique to the Datonet network:

  • .

  • Dit lyk of die probleem opgelos is

    It looks like the problem is resolved

  • Ons merk dat die FNB mobile App wel nog werk

    We notice that the FNB mobile App is still working

  • Wednesday 30th March 2022

    No incidents reported

    Tuesday 29th March 2022

    No incidents reported